Taoist Alchemy
SunDo-Taoist alchemy works with three energy centers: the ha-tancheon (navel chakra), the jung-tancheon (heart chakra), and the sang-tancheon (third-eye chakra). Balancing these centers makes individual transformation possible.
Taoist Master Chung-San compared Taoist metaphysical work to lighting a candle. Essence, which emanates from the navel chakra, can be compared to a candle’s wax and wick, which represents the physical health of the body. Energy, which emanates from the third-eye chakra, can be compared to a candle flame that represents vital energy, mental alertness and concentration. Spirit, which emanates from the heart chakra, can be compared to the light surrounding a candle flame;
it embodies the original source of energy that is contained within every human being.
When these three qualities are sufficiently developed and transformed, a practitioner achieves wholeness of body, mind and spirit. This transformation initiates a powerful expansion of consciousness and self-realization.
There were other bridges to what Master Kim considers a Modern Society version of the ancient oral traditions of Mountain Taoism … For instance, Jung’s individuation process, which is becoming self-realized, or knowing who you are. To Jung, individuation is an internal developmental process of “wholeness” and health in the human psyche. In other words, a process of Alchemy.